*When I first thought of posting this, I knew some people would automatically think, "hmm... poor girl has a bad job and bad relationship". For the record, my fiance is amazing and I couldn't ask for anyone better! As for the job, I stand neutral for the time being...
The other day I started thinking about all of the things that make a bad job bad and why it isn't always easy to jump to a new job. There were odd similarities that stood out to me when also thinking about bad relationships. In turn, I started thinking, could personality be an overlying factor in those who do or do not get out of a bad job or relationship right away? Could this be the main factor in why people jump from job to job or relationship to relationship?
There are two types of people; those who will hold on, even if it's "just ok" and those who will take a chance and jump ship because they aren't afraid to face what's in front of them. Not everyone is wholly one type or the other, but each and every individual exudes one type or both of these and no other. This ultimately affects our decision making, which is why the Bad Job vs Bad Relationship model works. Someone who can easily jump ship on one may be more likely to do it with the other if the wrong button is pressed. Someone who likes the comfort of where they're at (even if they think it's bad) will work with what they have until they find something better.
We only live life once (that we know of), so why wouldn't you do what is best for you and live life to the fullest? Why stick to a personality type, questioning the what if's? Take chances and absorb what life has to offer!!